Safeguarding & School Safety

Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone in the Abuja World Academy family.

Safeguarding of all pupils is of paramount importance and parents are encouraged to speak to any member of the pastoral team about any matters of concern, however small, regarding the health and welfare of their child. 

Our experienced staff fully appreciate that through nurturing individual personal development and promoting happiness and well-being, we enable students to thrive both academically and emotionally.

All adults working in or on behalf of Abuja World Academy have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This includes:

Safer Recruitment

Abuja World Academy does everything in its power to prevent people who pose a risk of harm from working with our children. This includes Safer Recruitment policies such as checking potential employees as well as arrangements for visitors and volunteers. There are procedures in place to handle allegations of abuse against staff. There are systems in place for children to communicate concerns and staff will always act in the best interests of the child.

School Site Safety

Our school site is fully enclosed and secure with 24-hour security guards. During drop-off and pick-up times the level of security is further enhanced to ensure the safety of your children.

All students are dropped off and collected from within the school compound using a rolling traffic management system. Strict adherence to this system is essential to maintain the safety of the students. You will be issued a laminated identification card for your children, which must be displayed before the children are released. You will be required to sign for the card, and only to pass it to authorised users.

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